Having some issues? Below you’ll find a selection of some of the most common questions we’re asked. Still have an issue? Feel free to email us directly at hello@terracesocial.co.uk.
Some parts of my graphic are black instead of my selected colour, why is this?
This is often related to your browser being outdated. Upgrade your browser to the latest version. We always recommend that you use Google Chrome for best results.
My club badge isn't properly aligned.
This is often the result of cached code on your phone. this means your phone's browser has saved old code from terrace and is still using it. To rectify this, you need to refresh the site using your browser's refresh button. If this doesn't work then you may have to clear your browsing data.
My images won't upload. The image appears broken.
This is often due to your image file size being too large. We recommend that your images are no larger than 5mb. Anything larger than this may result in a failed upload.
Why are my club colours and badge not available on all of my devices?
terrace saves your information on your device, we don't store your information on our servers. This means your information is unique to the device you added it on.